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Tatlı su köpek balıkları, adlarından da anlaşılacağı üzere, tatlı suların sakinleridir ve gerçek deniz köpek balıklarıyla akrabalık bağı yok

Pflege und Tipps für Guppys
Lepistes balıkları, Poeciliidae ailesine aittir. Genellikle canlı doğuranlar olarak bilinen bu aile, molliler, kılıçkuyruklar ve platiler gi

Makreleneintopf ist ein köstliches und nahrhaftes Meeresfrüchtegericht, das einen hervorragenden Geschmack bietet, insbesondere zu in Norweg

Köder an der Nadel befestigen
Das Anbringen des Köders am Haken ist beim Angeln sehr wichtig, da dieser Schritt Ihre Fangchancen stark beeinflusst. Ein gut montierter...

Giftiger Rotfeuerfisch
Aslan balığı, Hint Okyanusu kökenli, avcı ve saldırgan bir balık türüdür. İnsanı öldürebilecek zehirli dikenlere sahip bu balık, aslanın mağ

Centauri Düğümü, hem hafif hem de ağır olta takımlarında uygulanabilir. Tatlı su levreği, alabalık ve diğer popüler türlerde, tuzlu suda ise

Großer Fetzenfisch und seine Eigenschaften
Der Blattseedrache ist eine faszinierende Seepferdchenart mit umwerfender Schönheit und subtiler Anmut, eines der magischsten Lebewesen im W

Rezept für gebackenen Wolfsbarsch
It is recommended that children and expectant mothers consume fish recipes that contain plenty of vitamins. Sea bass is one of the fish type

The nail knot is a very important fishing line knot commonly used to tie the line to the leader. It is good for joining two fishing lines of

Snell's Knoten (traditionell)
Der Snell's-Knoten ist einer der ältesten Angelknoten und bietet eine zuverlässige Verbindung, die die Festigkeit der Angelschnur erhält. Es

Welche Quallenarten gibt es?
Migrant jellyfish is a little-known species on our coasts. Its appearance resembles a bell and has no extensions. Poison capsules are locate

Rezept für Gemüse-Fischsuppe. Wie man?
Fischsuppe ist eine der speziellsten und schönsten Suppen auf dem Tisch. Viele Fischarten Fischrezepte.

Wie berechnet man das Alter einer Muschel?
Most of the shelled invertebrate creatures from the Bivalvia class are called mussels, and some of them are called oysters. Mussel, scientif

Rezept für gebackenen Bonito, wie macht man es?
Thanks to the baked bonito recipe, our kitchen does not smell of oil, and thanks to the baking paper, it is cooked without losing its own ju

Port Jackson Shark, scientifically known as Heterodontus portusjacksoni, is one of the impressive and mysterious creatures of the oceans. Th

Schlafen Fische? Wie, wo und wie lange schlafen sie?
The sleep of fish, which are constantly in motion in water, has always been wondered. Especially those who keep aquarium fish at home, when

Wie macht man ein gebackenes Bluefish-Rezept?
We present you the baked bluefish recipe so that you can eat a delicious fish. How to make baked bluefish in the oven...

Wie macht man ein Rezept für gebackene Seebrassen?
Farmed sea bream is a little fattier than sea bream. That's why, according to some, farmed sea bream is more delicious than sea bream. The t

The fisherman's knot is also known as the improved rivet knot. Many people used to call this the Fisherman's knot. Because it was the first

Wie macht man ein Rezept für gebackene Sardellen?
Although the most popular anchovy recipe is fried and baked anchovy are a healthier and more practical dish due to the smell it emits while
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