Anchovy Properties
Anchovy, Latin name Engraulis encrasicolus, is a slender long-bodied fish that lives in flocks. Anchovy fish, which does not have a lower lip, have a long upper jaw. The back color is dark blue and black, the underside is light colored, the sides are shiny. Anchovy fish are usually 10-15 cm long. Anchovy, Bonito, Tuna and It is a fish that also feeds fish such as bluefish.
How Many Years Do Anchovy Live? What Eats?
Anchovy, a carnivorous fish, feeds on plankton. Anchovy live an average of 2-3 years, and a maximum of 4 years under favorable conditions. Anchovy, which begins to breed after one year of age, lays approximately 40 thousand eggs at a time at medium depths in sea water at 18-20 degrees.
Where Does Anchovy Live In Which Sea?
Anchovy live in the Mediterranean, the coasts between England and Norway, and the west coast of the African continent. Anchovy lives in the Black Sea, Mediterranean and Aegean Seas in Turkey.
When to Hunt Anchovy?
Anchovy is caught and eaten every year in winter months. The maturation of the anchovy eggs left in the Black Sea during the spring lasts until the winter months. Although it is possible to hunt anchovy from October, the most delicious period of anchovy fish is December, January and February. It is meaty, oily and very tasty in these months.
Anchovy is also an important fish species for the fishing industry in the Black Sea region of Turkey. In the Black Sea, the anchovy season usually lasts from September to April. During this period, fishermen go to sea with boats to hunt anchovies and sell the caught fish in the ports. However, the number of anchovy fish has decreased in recent years and fishermen draw attention to this situation. Therefore, sustainable fishing practices need to be developed to protect anchovy and other fish species.
According to TUIK (Turkish Statistical Institute) data, an average of 180 thousand tons of anchovy has been caught annually for the last 10 years. This amount constitutes approximately 60% of the total amount of fish caught in our country.
Anchovy Nutrition Value, Taste and Cooking Methods
Anchovy fish contains many nutritional values necessary for a healthy diet. It contains important nutrients such as high-quality protein, omega-3 fatty acids, B vitamins, vitamins D and calcium. In addition, anchovy is a low-calorie food and is therefore preferred by people who control weight. Omega-3 fatty acids, It provides many health benefits such as heart health, brain health and anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, anchovy is rich in calcium and vitamin D, which are important for bone health.
Anchovy is a type of fish loved by many. The meat of this fish has a similar flavor to other fish and is very tasty. Anchovy is usually grilled or pan . Also, this type of fish can be consumed as steamed. Anchovy pickles are also found in Turkish cuisine and are loved by many.
Anchovy fish has an important place in Turkish culture with its place in Turkish cuisine. It has been in Turkish cuisine for hundreds of years and is used as the main ingredient of many local dishes. Anchovy is one of the most popular and delicious fish of the Black Sea region. Activities such as anchovy festival are organized in the Black Sea region. It is also frequently described in poems, songs and stories by Turkish artists. Anchovy fish is a symbol of the Black Sea region.