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Sep 19, 2023
Saddled Seabream (Oblade) Fish Characteristics
Saddled Seabream fish is a medium-sized fish species that belongs to the Sparidae family and lives especially in the Mediterranean and...

Sep 19, 2023
The World of Red Sea Bass
Red Sea Bass fish, also known as Red Perch, is an interesting species that stands out with its taste and beauty.

Sep 19, 2023
General Information About Blue Fish and Blue Fish Hunting
Blue Fish have sizes ranging from 10 to 15 centimeters. In fact, the bluefish is the smallest of the bluefish we know. These fish, whose ...

Sep 6, 2023
What is Salmon? Where it lives? Benefits and Features.
Salmon, which is a fish species that can live in fresh water and seas and is famous for its long-distance migrations.

Sep 6, 2023
What are the Characteristics of Horse Mackerel?
The horse mackerel is a fish of the trachuridae family. The body type of the horse mackerel, which is flat and long from the sides, has the

Sep 6, 2023
Where Do Sea Bream Live? What are the Benefits of Sea Bream? Is Sea Bream Tasty?
The sea bream has a flattened, symmetrical back and body structure, with a slightly higher back height. Sea bream, whose head area is large,

Sep 6, 2023
What is Tuna? Where it lives? How to Hunt?
Tuna is a large and delicious fish species from the mackerel family (Scombridae). The tuna species consist of Thunnus, Euthynnus and Katsuwo

Sep 6, 2023
Everything You Wonder About Bonito Fish!
Bonito fish is a fish species called Scombridae family in Latin Sarda Sarda. This fish is known for its delicious meat and healthy nutrition

Sep 6, 2023
Anchovy Properties. Where it lives? What Eats? When to Hunt?
Anchovy, Latin name Engraulis encrasicolus, is a slender long-bodied fish that lives in flocks. Anchovy fish, which does not have a lower li

Sep 6, 2023
What are the Features of Mullet Fish?
The mullet is a saltwater fish of the family Mugilidae that lives in flocks. Mullet lives in almost every sea. It is one of the most caught

Sep 6, 2023
Sea Bass Characteristics. Where it lives? How to Hunt?
The sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) is a wide-mouthed fish with two dorsal fins. Its gills have unique spines. The back of the sea bass is b

Sep 5, 2023
Sardine Fish Characteristics. Where it lives? What Eats?
Sardine fish (Sardina pilchardus) is a small, ocean and sea-dwelling fish species belonging to the family Clupeidae. Widely found in the Nor

Sep 5, 2023
Turbot Fish: An Unusual and Delicious Inhabitant of the Seas
Turbot is a fish species belonging to the Pleuronectidae family, and there are about 30 species in this family. Turbots are included in the

Sep 5, 2023
Big Sturgeon (Beluga) - Legendary Giant of the Seas
Big Sturgeon, scientific name Huso huso, is one of the mysterious giants of the seas and rivers. As a member of the Acipenserida family, thi
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