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10 Reasons to Adopt a Turtle
The turtle is a creature that requires very little maintenance compared to other pets. Choosing a special and high-quality food meets their
Oct 9, 2023

Discus Fish Features and Care
Discus fish, as noble and rare creatures of the aquarium world, are a sought-after breed for both amateur and professional aquarium owners.
Oct 7, 2023

Swordtail Fish Care and Features
The swordtail fish, which is a guest from the crystal clear waters of Central America to the peaceful corners of our homes, is one of the mo
Oct 7, 2023

FG Knot: The Fisherman's Most Reliable Knot
The FG Knot is one of the most reliable and popular knots in the modern fishing world. Excellent performance in salt and fresh water, with l
Oct 7, 2023

Baked Bonito with Orange Recipe
Serve this delicious and aromatic bonito dish with orange sauce hot. You can serve it with a green salad and perhaps a slice of lemon.
Oct 7, 2023

Information about Oarfish
The Oarfish is a majestic and mysterious species of fish found in deep seas far below the surface. This mysterious creature, also known as t
Oct 7, 2023

Fish and Yogurt: Leave Myths Behind and Discover the Truth!
The widespread belief that eating fish and yoghurt is dangerous has persisted for generations. So, is this belief real or just an urban lege
Oct 7, 2023

Platy Fish Characteristics and Care
Platy fish, especially the Red Platy species, are known for their striking red coloration which defines them as “Fire Fish”. Originating fro
Oct 7, 2023

Bluespotted Sea Bream
Bluespotted Seabream is a species of fish that belongs to the Sparidae family and is native to the Red Sea. These fish are generally silver
Oct 5, 2023

Angel fish Care and Features
Angel fish are elegant and showy fish species that are frequently preferred in the aquarium world. Native to the densely vegetated Amazon ri
Oct 5, 2023

Things to Consider When Choosing Aquarium Fish
Fish choosing is the key to creating an aesthetic and relaxing aquarium environment. It is important that the fish is lively and active, and
Oct 5, 2023

Aquarium Fish Diseases
Aquarium fish are known for their delicate organisms and complex biological structures. Therefore, certain care routines and environmental c
Oct 4, 2023
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