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Sep 29, 2023
What is Bluefish? Where it lives? What are its features?
The bluefish has a large head and a medium-pointed nose. Bluefish, which has a strong lower jaw protruding forward, is a predatory fish that
Sep 29, 2023
What is Catfish? Is it edible? What are its features?
Catfish is a large and meaty fish species from the Siluridae family. It has a shiny and scaleless body, a flat and wide head, a large mouth
Sep 29, 2023
What is Surf Casting? What are its features?
Surf Casting; Fishing is a type of fishing on the seashore, usually using live bait, from the beach, pier or rocks. technique. It is called
Sep 29, 2023
Do Fish Sleep? How, Where and How Long Do They Sleep?
The sleep of fish, which are constantly in motion in water, has always been wondered. Especially those who keep aquarium fish at home, when
Sep 29, 2023
How to Make Steamed Anchovy Recipe?
You can also try the anchovy steamed recipe, which is a light flavor that will add flavor to your tables. Famous fish of the Black Sea ancho
Sep 29, 2023
How to Make Fried Bonito Recipe?
With the end of hunting bans, in September fish stalls become lively. Bonito, the number one fish of September, begins to enter every home.
Sep 29, 2023
What are the Characteristics of Flounder? Where it lives? What are the benefits?
The flounder is an interesting fish species from the Soleidae family that resembles a tongue in appearance. It can also be compared to a tu
Sep 29, 2023
Vegetable Fish Soup Recipe. How To?
Fish soup is one of the most special and beautiful soups on the table. Many fish species fish recipes.
Sep 29, 2023
What is European sprat? Where does it live and what are its characteristics in brief?
European sprat is a small marine fish from the Clupeidae family and its scientific name is Sprattus sprattus. It lives in temperate and slig
Sep 29, 2023
What is Leerfish? What are its features?
Leerfish is a type of small scaled fish from the Lichiidae family, mackerel family. In some regions, it is known by names such as naked, for
Sep 29, 2023
What are the Characteristics of Common Dentex Fish?
Common dentex fish (dentex dentex) is a strong, large and very delicious fish from the coral fish family. There are two more species of dent
Sep 29, 2023
What is Brown meagre? What are its features?
Brown meagre, whose scientific name is Sciaena umbra. The back of the sea bass is more humped than that of the Brown meagre. The fish has an
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