The Cherry Barb fish is an easy-to-care and peaceful aquarium creature that is frequently preferred by those interested in aquarium hobbies. These fish, whose scientific name is Barbus Titteya, are also known as Cherry Barbus or Cherry Barb. The name cherry was given because the color of these fish was thought to resemble cherries. The fact that males turn bright red, especially during the breeding season, may have been effective in choosing this name.
Cherry Barb fish are seen in their natural habitats in shallow waters in South Asian countries, especially Sri Lanka. These fish live in freshwater rivers and streams and can easily adapt to the aquarium environment.
General Characteristics of Cherry Barb Fish
Their natural habitat is South Asia, especially Sri Lanka.
Adult Cherry Barb fish are generally 4 to 5 centimeters in size.
Males are bright red, while females are paler, usually closer to orange.
Male Cherry Barb fish turn their bodies bright red during breeding periods.
Gender discrimination can be made by looking at differences in color and body shape.
Cherry Barb fish are both carnivorous and herbivorous.
They swim in the middle and near the surface of the water.
Aquariums should mimic habitats in stagnant and shallow waters.
Water temperature should not fall below 23 degrees, it may be necessary to raise it to 26 degrees during breeding periods.
It is important to keep at least six Cherry Barb fish together. The number of female Cherry Barbs should be twice that of males.
Since they are a peaceful fish species, they can live together with other aquarium creatures.
They get along well with creatures such as cardinal fish, Amano shrimp and Neon fish, because they live in flocks in nature and like to coexist with fish of their own species.
Their average lifespan is about 5 years.
Cherry Barb Fish Care
Cherry Barb Fish is a species that is easy to care for. These fish are not picky about choosing food, as they can be fed with dry food. However, it is important to provide a varied and balanced diet. Therefore, feeding with live foods, Artemia and diatoms is also a good option. Additionally, you can ensure that the fish are fed regularly by using an automatic feeding machine.
Providing a suitable habitat for Cherry Barb fish is also important. You should keep the water temperature of the aquarium between 23 and 29 degrees and use a good filter to ensure that the water is always clean. Rocks and plants where fish can hide comfortably are also useful in arranging the aquarium.
It is appropriate for these peaceful fish to coexist with non-aggressive fish species. You can fill your aquarium with compatible species such as cardinal fish, Amano shrimp and Neon fish. Avoid using bright colors and light-colored bottoms in aquarium decoration, as these fish do not feel safer in such environments.