Dwarf Gourami (Colisa Lalia) fish are durable and aesthetically attractive fish species that are very popular among aquarium hobbyists. In this article, we will focus specifically on information about the care and feeding of the Dwarf Gourami species.
These fish, usually found in blue and orange tones, dazzle with their vibrant colors. The dorsal fins are long and graceful, particularly prominent in males. Female Dwarf Gouramis tend to be smaller and have a silverier color.

Dwarf Gourami (Colisa Lalia) and other Gourami species have a special respiratory system called labyrinth fish. This allows them to breathe from the atmosphere in situations where the amount of oxygen in the water drops. This feature distinguishes them from other fish and gives them an extraordinary ability.
Feeding of the Dwarf Gourami
Dwarf Gourami fish are an omnivorous species, which means they must be fed with both live and plant foods. To meet nutritional requirements, you may consider:
Live Baits: Dwarf Gourami fish love live baits. Live food includes brine shrimp, freshwater shrimps, bloodworms and microworms. Adding these live foods to their aquariums from time to time increases the nutritional diversity of the fish.
Frozen Food: Frozen food is also a good option for Dwarf Gouramis. Frozen bloodworms, brine shrimp and other seafood can be included in your fish's diet.
Ready Feeds: You can feed Dwarf Gouramis with specially formulated dwarf gourami food or general fish food. These feeds provide a balanced diet and meet the basic nutritional needs of the fish.
Herbal Food: Dwarf Gouramis also love herbal food. It is healthy to occasionally feed them with fresh vegetables, especially peas and zucchini slices.
As for feeding frequency, feeding once or twice a day at most is sufficient. Overfeeding can negatively affect water quality and harm the health of fish, so it is important to adjust portions carefully.

Care of Dwarf Gourami
Dwarf Gourami fish are generally easy to care for, but it is important to pay attention to some basic requirements:
Aquarium Size: An aquarium of at least 40 liters is recommended for Dwarf Gourami fish. A larger aquarium provides a better quality of life.
Vegetation: Having plenty of plants in your aquarium provides an environment where fish can hide and exhibit their natural behaviors.
Temperature and Water Quality: You should keep the water temperature between 22-28 degrees. You should also have regular water changes and a water testing kit to monitor water quality.
Peaceful Environment: Although Dwarf Gourami fish are generally peaceful and harmonious, it is important to avoid larger and aggressive fish. You should not forget that males can exhibit aggressive behavior among members of the same species.
Breeding Regulations: If you plan to breed, providing vegetation and appropriate hiding areas can increase breeding success.
In conclusion, Dwarf Gourami fish are an easy to care for and visually attractive fish species. A balanced diet, a suitable aquarium environment and regular maintenance are necessary to keep them healthy. Remember that quarantine is important for every aquarium creature and make sure that new fish do not harm the old inhabitants.