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Electric Yellow Cichlid Characteristics and Care

Electric Yellow Cichlid, one of the indispensable members of the aquarium world, stands out with its vibrant colors, endurance and peaceful nature. Their active nature and aesthetic appearance make yellow princess fish eye-catching and allow them to be one of the stars of your aquarium. These fish, whose natural habitat is Lake Malawi, are generally found in rocky areas in the middle and bottom parts of the water. These rocky areas are used both as shelter and breeding grounds.

Electric Yellow Cichlid
Electric Yellow Cichlid

General Characteristics of Electric Yellow Cichlid

  • Their homeland is Africa, especially around Lake Malawi.

  • Natural habitats are the bottom and middle parts of rocky areas.

  • They have both carnivorous and herbivorous eating habits.

  • In natural life, they usually obtain their food from the bottom.

  • Their size can reach up to 15 centimeters.

  • They have a peaceful nature, but can act aggressively during breeding periods, especially with their own species or similar-looking fish.

  • They are resistant to harsh conditions and have an energetic lifestyle.

  • They reproduce quickly and the incubation period for females usually varies between 20 and 30 days.

  • Separating their gender is quite simple. While males have a distinct black stripe on their lower fins, females do not have this stripe. Additionally, males are generally larger than females.

Electric Yellow Cichlid Care

It is important to provide a suitable aquarium for Electric Yellow Cichlid. The aquarium must have a capacity of at least 120 liters. The water temperature should not fall below 25 degrees. Mixed aquariums are not recommended due to the aggressive tendencies of Electric Yellow Cichlid. These fish prefer rocks and shelters, such as in their natural habitat, Lake Malawi. Therefore, the aquarium should have rocky decorations and places to hide. Since yellow princesses swim in the middle and bottom areas of the water, they need shelters to hide in these areas. An aquarium with plants is not recommended as they can dislodge the plants.

yellow princess fish
Yellow Princess fish

Electric Yellow Cichlid Nutrition

Electric Yellow Cichlid can be fed with a variety of foods because they are carnivorous and herbivorous. While live food helps them meet their protein needs, you should consider the risk of disease that may arise from live food, which requires caution. Additionally, vegetables such as boiled vegetables can also contribute to their diet. However, care should be taken with the plants because these fish can uproot the plants. Adequate feeding is important for the healthy growth and reproduction of the puppies.

Electric Yellow Cichlid Breeding

Electric Yellow Cichlid reproduce quickly and easily. The incubation period for females usually varies between 20 and 30 days. These fish become adults and ready to breed when they are 7 to 8 months old. They need hiding places, such as rocky caves in the aquarium, to reproduce. It is easy to discriminate between genders; Males have a distinctive black stripe on their fins and are larger in size. If you want to monitor breeding, adding a male to 5 female Electric Yellow Cichlid fish may be a good option.

All in all, the Electric Yellow Cichlid fish is an eye-catching and hardy species that can be an essential part of your aquarium. If you are considering keeping these fish, it is important to provide an environment suitable for their natural habitat and pay special attention to their nutritional needs.

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