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Shore Fishing

Fishing from the shore is the most enjoyable and peaceful activity for fishing enthusiasts. However, coastal fishing also requires a special skill that varies from region to region and from season to season. Those who have gained experience in this field over the years have realized that methods can vary even in different pastures in the same region.

If you are going to fish in a new area, the first step is to gather preliminary information from local fishermen. In order to reduce the time and effort that will be spent on the trial and error method, it will be a great advantage to obtain information in advance. Before you go to the area where you want to fish, you can get information from local fishermen about what times you can fish and what baits you can fish with, which can increase your success.

Fishing From the Shore
Fishing From the Shore

Basic Tips for Fishing From the Shore:

  1. Choosing the Right Equipment: If there are rocky areas in the region and you plan to do bottom fishing with a lead team, you can choose a lead between 15-50 grams. Generally, 25 grams of lead is sufficient. When fishing from the shore, you can prepare a body with two arms around 20 cm by using a size 10 or 11 needle.

  2. Arm Length Adjustment: Adjust the arm length according to the water conditions. The distance between the two arms should be long enough not to cause the fish to interfere with the fishing line. Also, complete your set by connecting the upper arm with a swivel so that it is about 25-30 cm up.

  3. Food Selection: If your target is fish such as sea bream, sea bream, coral, bream, some of the effective baits are shrimp, tubeworm, squid, salted sardines and salted chicken breast. Using these baits by salting them in advance gives you better results.

  4. Fishing Hours: The best times for shore fishing are usually near sunrise and sunset. During these hours, the fish will be more active and the success of your hunt will increase.

  5. Preliminary Information: Each region has its own dynamics. If you are going to a new area, research the area well beforehand and get information from local fishermen. This may bring you better results.

As a result, choosing the right equipment, the right bait and the right time is of great importance when fishing from the shore. Note that there may be differences in each region and season. Gathering preliminary information, gaining experience and being patient will increase your success.

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