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Fishing Line Types and Features

Fishing line is a transparent and synthetic thread mostly used in fishing. Fishing lines are available in different numbers, from 0.10 mm thick to 1.00 mm thick. Fishing rod is defined in the dictionary as a mechanism consisting of a hook, body and auxiliary materials. According to this definition, fishing line constitutes the body part of the fishing gear.

Fishing line types
Fishing line types

Fishing lines have developed greatly in the last century and many types of fishing lines with different features have emerged. There are basically 5 types of fishing line: monofilament fishing line, rope fishing line, fluorocarbon fishing line, fly fishing line and steel wire. The most preferred fishing lines are rope fishing line, mono fishing line and ghost fishing line. Let's take a look at the fishing line types together.

Monofilament Fishing Line

It is formed by melting and mixing nylon-based polymers with different molecular compositions and drawing the resulting polymer. Mono fishing line has a structure that attracts water and sinks slowly. They are also transparent and partially solid. They have worse properties than other fishing line types in every aspect. If you want a cheap and flexible fishing line, you can choose monofilament fishing line. Because they can extend up to 40% of their length before breaking. Nowadays, ones that have been improved in terms of durability with thermal and silicone-like additives have been produced. These are a little more expensive, but they are strong enough to handle nearly twice the load. They are worse than standard monofilament in terms of memory.

The weakest aspect of monofilament is that it is not resistant to knots. Therefore, it is necessary to make the connection in such a way that the line carrying the load is least damaged.


1- Usage Prevalence: Mono fishing line is the most commonly used type of fishing line, available in different colors and draws.

2-Price: They are cheaper than braided rope and fluorocarbon fishing lines.

3-Flexibility: Mono fishing lines are flexible fishing lines that absorb shock. Flexibility is an advantage in many hunting situations, especially in case of snagging.

4-Abrasion Resistance: Monofilament is resistant to abrasion.

5-Ease of Winding: Thanks to their round structure, they are easily wound on the reel.

6- Knot Holding Feature: They hold knots easily because they are generally soft and flexible.

7-Wide Color Options: It has many different colors. However, transparent and blue colors are most preferred because they are less visible in water.


1-Low Draw Value: It has a lower draw value than rope fishing lines of the same thickness. When high traction is required, it is necessary to thicken the fishing line. However, in this case, it is easily seen by the fish and the length of the fishing line that we can wrap around the fishing machine is reduced.

2- Irresistibility to Sunlight (UV Rays) and Water: Since it is made of nylon, it is easily deformed over time due to sunlight. Additionally, due to its water-absorbing structure, it begins to break when exposed to water for a long time.

Which baits and techniques are used with mono fishing line?

1. Crankbait fakes

2.Top water popping fakes

3.Jigheads (ball head models)

Knitted Rope Fishing Lines

All types of fishing line are produced with synthetic thermoplastic called polyethylene. Braided fishing lines are very durable because they are made by knitting several very thin filaments. Rope fishing lines are longer lasting than nylon fishing lines, but the polymer fibers inside can be damaged by oxygen contact. These polymers are also damaged when exposed to UV sunlight. Since the fishing line is resistant to friction, its pulling force is higher. Wax is used on braided and rope fishing lines to increase their tensile strength. Therefore, while visibility decreases, durability increases. They are the most suitable fishing lines, especially for fighting fish such as big tuna or catfish.


1-High Tensile Value: Braided fishing lines have a higher tensile value than monofilament and flourocarbon fish lines. In this way, thinner fishing line is used compared to mono fishing line and visibility is reduced. Additionally, more fishing line can be wound on the fishing reel.

2- Long Distance Casting Opportunity: Braided fishing lines can reach long distances when used with appropriate rods and machines. They provide a great advantage especially in shore hunting such as surf casting.

3-Low Memory: Thanks to their low memory, they do not take the shape of the fishing reel and reel.

4-Durability: They are not affected by UV, sunlight and salt.

5-Sensitivity: Since they do not stretch, they allow you to feel even the slightest movement at the tip of the fishing rod, especially in hunting that requires leashing.

6-Easy Fighting Big Fish:Thanks to its high traction value and low flexibility, it is easy to fight big fish.


1-Difficult to Hold Knots: They are difficult to hold knots due to their slippery structure. For this reason, it is necessary to learn special knotting techniques for rope fishing lines.

2- Difficult to Cut: You need fishing line scissors to cut it when needed.

3- Visibility under water: It is necessary to use flourocarbon or mono leader as it has high visibility under water.

5- Light Drag Adjustment Due to Low Stretch Feature: Requires lighter drag adjustment as it has no stretch feature.

Which baits are used with fishing line?

The vast majority of fishing lines float. Lines with this feature give good results with surface lures, silicone baits such as frogs, etc. However, some fishing lines, such as Sufix 832, are produced specifically to sink. This type of fishing line is especially used with backing, jigging and deep diving lures. In areas where vegetation is dense, you can fish safely with spinning spoons and beakless lures.

Fluorocarbon Fishing Line

Fluorocarbon linesare generally used as leader lines. They are invisible in water and resistant to abrasion. They are flexible but do not curl as much as mono. They do not retain water, but they sink because their density is high. They do not become brittle in cold weather and are not affected by sunlight. It is a perfect complement to the rope fishing line. Fluorine is formed by chemically bonding carbon and hydrogen and subjecting them to the extrusion process. Its most important feature is that it is invisible in water because it refracts light. It is also known as ghost fishing line. With these features, they are ideal fishing lines for timid and solitary fish such as pike perch. But tying knots is difficult. Flourocarbon line works well with deep diving and sinking baits in areas where precision and invisibility are required.

It is the ideal type of fishing line for main tackle where shock absorbers and needles are attached. It is hard and brittle compared to other types of fishing line. In addition, the tensile strength of fluorocarbon fishing lines is quite low.

Which baits are used with fluorocarbon fishing line?

1. Jig baits 2.Crankbait fakes 3.Worms 4.Spinning spoons

Steel Wire

Steel wires are used as leader lines in fishing for gear fish such as mackerel, bluefish and tuna. It is also used in ridge hunting where deep dives are required.

Fly and Leading Lines

Fly and leading lines are a type of fishing line used to throw and pull the bait further. In the production of specially produced fly and lead lines, they are impregnated with oil or silicone to reduce wear and increase buoyancy.

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