Frontoza fish are exotic aquatic creatures, a type of Cichlid fish originating from Africa, with stripes reminiscent of zebras and unique head structures. These fish, whose scientific name is Cyphotilapia Frontosa, have different colors depending on their species. Frontoza Cichlid fish, which have black vertical stripes on a light-colored body, are among the most well-known species. Examples of these species are Frontoza Brundi, Zaire Kapampa, Kavalla, Kigoma, Kipili, Mpimbwe, Nord Congo, Sambia and Moba Zaire.

General Characteristics of Frontosa Fish
The natural habitat of these fish is Lake Tanganyika, located in Africa and one of the deepest lakes in the world.
Cyphotilapia Frontosa belongs to the Cichlid fish family.
The average size of adult Frontosa fish is around 25 centimeters for females and 35 centimeters for males.
A distinctive feature of Frontosa fish is the protrusion on the head. This protrusion gives information about the age and strength of the fish. The larger the bump on their head, the older and stronger the fish. For this protrusion to become evident, they must reach a length of at least 10 centimeters.
Although their colors and number of stripes vary depending on the species, they generally have 5 vertical, dark stripes on their bodies.
There are different species such as Frontoza Brundi, Zaire Kapampa, Kavalla, Kigoma, Kipili, Mpimbwe, Nord Congo, Sambia and Moba Zaire.
These fish are carnivorous and also accept pellet and flake food.
It may be difficult to distinguish between genders, but males' genitals are triangular in shape, while females' genitals are more rounded.
Breeding is easy for Frontoza fish and one male Frontoza should have 5 to 6 females to increase productivity.

Females carry their eggs in their mouths for 3 to 4 weeks. They then lay these eggs in caves and crevices, and when the chicks hatch, they protect them in their mouths in case of danger or at night.
They live in flocks in their natural habitats.
They are moderately peaceful fish, but since they are carnivorous, it is not appropriate to feed them in the same aquarium with smaller fish.
They should be maintained in an aquarium of at least 250 liters.
Frontoza fish swim at all levels of the aquarium.
The temperature of the aquarium water should be between 23 and 27 degrees.
They are generally known as hardy fish, but their most common ailments are white spot disease and fungal infections.
These fish have a long lifespan and their lifespan can vary between 20 and 25 years.

Frontoza Fish Care
Frontoza fish are an ideal option for those who love Cichlid type fish. These fish attract attention with their beautiful appearance and unique physical characteristics, and with proper care they can have a long life. Frontosas have a carnivorous eating habit and prefer live food. In addition to quality feed, you can support the health of Frontosa Cichlid fish with aquarium health products such as fish vitamins.
Frontoza fish exhibit semi-aggressive behavior and tend to prey on fish smaller than themselves because they are carnivorous. For this reason, it is not recommended to keep them in the same aquarium with other carnivorous and aggressive species.
Since Frontosa fish live in rocky areas and deep lakes in their natural habitat, aquarium bottom materials are important. By enriching your aquarium with stones and cave decorations, you can provide protection areas for the females, especially during the breeding period. It is also important to perform regular water changes to maintain the water quality of the aquarium. In this way, the health and well-being of your Frontosa fish is ensured and you will have an aquarium experience that you can enjoy for many years.