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How to Clean Squid? Is it Permissible.

How to Clean Squid?

Many people who want to prepare recipes with squid buy cleaned or ready-frozen squid. If you want to make fried squid, this method is actually ideal. If you bought the squid from a fishmonger instead of frozen, you should make sure it is fresh. Otherwise, the taste will be bland and your health may deteriorate. If the squid was bought from a fisherman or caught, you should sort it. The procedures applied for all squid species are the same.

  1. Before cleaning, you should separate the squid from its body by pulling its wings.

  2. To break the bond between the squid's head and body, hold its body with one hand and its head with the other hand and gently twist it to separate the head from the body.

  3. Be careful not to burst the ink sac during the cleaning process. It doesn't matter if it explodes, don't panic.

  4. Remove the internal organs of the whole squid by holding the tail part.

  5. Hold the squid by the end and quickly pull off the skin.

  6. Remove the transparent bone in the middle of the squid in one piece.

  7. Wash the inside and outside of the squid well in plenty of water.

  8. Clean the membrane remaining on the whole squid after removing its skin, by hand and going over it with the back of a knife.

  9. You can cook the squid you have prepared by cutting it into rings to the thickness you want.

  10. Although some people do not like it, the legs and arms of squid are also very delicious. You can also separate them, wash them and consume them.

After cleaning, you must salt the squid to crush its fibers. You can do this by kneading 1 kilogram of squid with 750 grams of salt for 10-15 minutes.

Is it permissible to eat squid?

  • People who want to taste the wonderful taste of squid ask the question "Is squid meat halal?" The question may arise. Whether squid is halal or not may vary depending on a person's beliefs.

  • While squid meat is considered permissible by other Islamic sects, it is not permissible according to the Hanafi sect.

  • According to the Hanafi sect, it is considered haram to eat sea creatures that do not look like fish, such as squid, mussels and oysters.

  • In short, squid meat is considered haram for those who belong to this sect and follow its rules carefully, while other people can eat squid with peace of mind.

  • Also, squid may be harmful to people with digestive system disorders.

  • Consuming too much squid is also harmful to health.

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