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How to do sea bass fishing? Patience and Strategy

Sea bass is a challenging and delicious prey that a fisherman targets. However, catching this special fish is not for everyone. Sea bass are notorious for being skittish, suspicious and cautious, so catching them requires patience and determination.

Sea Bass Fishing with Rapala

One of the methods you can use for sea bass hunting is hunting with a Rapala. Since sea bass is a predatory and aggressive fish, it can be caught with a suitable Rapala. Especially glass colored Rapala between 9-13 cm will be an ideal bait for Sea Bass. Sea bass generally like to hunt juvenile mullet or silverfish, so shiny models resembling mullet or silverfish can also be preferred. Remember that this shine will shine in the water and attract the attention of the fish.

Sea Bass Fishing
Sea Bass Fishing

Hiding is Important

It is important to hide yourself as much as possible when hunting the sea bass, which is a timid and careful fish. If you are in rocky shade, you can hunt by standing on a rock before entering the water. If you must enter the water, you should limit your movements and not scare the fish.

Sea Bass
Sea Bass

Using Rapala

When using Rapala, you will need to connect it leaving a gap of 1 to 1.5 meters. Remember that the Rapala will dive to a depth of 20-30 cm with its own weight, this is generally a suitable level for fishing for Sea Bass. Bass generally prefer to hunt in slightly wavy and rocky areas. Remember that your chances may be higher in slightly wavy weather.

When you throw the Rapala into the water and start reeling it slowly, the Perch will approach, showing interest in the sound and brightness of the Rapala. However, this fish is an alert fish and will follow you first, so you must be patient and continue the cast-and-pull process.

If there is a Sea Bass in the area, you are using a suitable Rapala and luck is with you, your probability of attracting the Sea Bass to your fishing line is quite high.


Sea bass fishing requires a combination of patience, strategy and the right equipment. Fishing with a rapala can be an effective way to catch this beautiful fish. However, do not forget that every hunt is full of surprises of nature and sea bass hunting can be an experience full of surprises. Therefore, you should always go Sea Bass fishing with an open mind and respect for nature.

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