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Panda Scavenger Fish Characteristics and Care

Panda Scavenger fish is a popular and common species in the aquarium world. These fish are especially known for their role in cleaning the aquarium bottom. Here is more information about the Panda Scavenger fish:

Panda Scavenger Fish
Panda Scavenger Fish

General Characteristics of Panda Scavenger Fish

  • Panda Scavenger fish have skin that does not have scales and are known for this feature.

  • In their natural habitat, they feed on insects, plants and worms.

  • They live in harmony with other Panda Scavenger fish and are social creatures.

  • They have a carnivorous and herbivorous diet, meaning they eat both living foods and plant foods.

  • It can sometimes be difficult to tell their gender apart, but males are generally thinner and taller, while females are shorter and rounder.

  • It is easier for them to breed in their natural habitat, but they can also breed in the aquarium.

  • Under the right care and conditions, they can have a lifespan of up to 20 years.

Panda Scavenger Fish Care

Panda Scavenger fish are robust and healthy creatures, but they need the right care conditions. Here are some important factors for caring for this breed:

  • The aquarium temperature should be around 25 degrees.

  • There should be sand on the bottom of the aquarium in accordance with the natural behavior of the fish, because these fish extract their food from the sand.

  • There should be no pointed or sharp objects in the aquarium, because these fish may be harmed while wandering around the bottom.

  • Panda Scavenger fish generally live harmoniously with other species, but should not be kept together with aggressive species such as astronauts and cichlids.

  • It is possible to grow plants in the aquarium as they love plants, but they do not like current and need soft water conditions.

Panda Scavenger Fish
Panda Scavenger Fish

Panda Scavenger Fish Nutrition

Panda Scavenger fish eat the food at the bottom to ensure the cleanliness of the aquarium. They often hunt insects among sand and plants. Therefore, it is important to choose sinking food specially formulated for feeding these fish.

In conclusion, the Panda Scavenger fish is a popular member of the aquarium world and can have a long life under the right care conditions. Therefore, if you are considering keeping these cute fish, you should make special efforts to ensure suitable water conditions and proper nutrition.

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