When you dive into the deep and colorful world of the seas, you are likely to encounter many sea snails such as tower crustaceans, lampreys, barrel snails, helmet snails and slipper limpets. These creatures are found in various parts of the seas and oceans and are known for their fascinating morphology and behavior.

Classification and Diversity
Sea Snails are gastropods belonging to the order Mesogastropoda and the suborder Prosbranchla. Adults have asymmetrical and spirally coiled bodies. They usually have eyes, statocyst, mouth and toothed tongue on their heads and are equipped with one or two sensory tentacles. Their feet, crawling on the seabed, enable them to move.
Lifestyle and Behavioral Characteristics
Sea Snails live on rocks, reefs or other hard surfaces and have herbivorous or carnivorous diets. Sexual reproduction and fertilization, egg and larval stages are an important part of the life cycle of these species.
Evolution of Proboscis Snails
Proboscis snails are among the most evolved species of gastropods. These species have made significant evolutionary advances in respiratory and reproductive systems that have the capacity to use marine environments more effectively. Sex change refers to the transformation from male to female during the life cycle of individuals in some species, especially Crepidula fornicata.
Tropical Sea Snails and Marine Mollusk Shells
Marine mollusc shells and tropical sea snails have shells of various shapes, colors and structures. Their eyes are located on the eye stalks, which are often more prominent than the head tentacles. Tropical sea snails often attract attention with their beautifully polished shells and coverings.
Sea Snail Distribution
Crown crustaceans are found in all seas and oceans of the world, especially in shallow waters. These creatures play an important role in the ecosystem and contribute to biodiversity. Diverse feeding habits and habitats reveal the adaptation abilities and ecological niche diversity of these species.
Conservation and Sustainability
Despite this tremendous diversity, tower crustaceans and other gastropods need to be protected. Threats such as habitat loss, pollution and climate change can affect the populations and diversity of these creatures.