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Sea Urchin

Sea urchin is a marine creature belonging to the Echinoidea class and there are approximately 950 different species around the world. These interesting creatures generally live on ocean floors and rocky parts of coastal areas.

Sea Urchins
Sea Urchins

Sea urchins are an important part of the rich ecosystems of the deep blue. They have lived in the seas since the Silurian Period, approximately 450 million years ago, and today they are represented worldwide by nearly 950 species classified in more than 90 families and 200 genera.

These spiny sea creatures vary greatly in size; There are species that start from 2 centimeters and can reach up to 30 centimeters. Although the lifespan of sea urchins varies depending on the species and living conditions, some can live for more than 10 years.

The diet of sea urchins is generally herbivorous and they mostly feed on algae. However, some species are also known to feed on detritus (dead plant and animal remains) and plankton.

The populations of these creatures are particularly affected by factors such as overfishing, destruction of coastal areas and ocean acidification. As a result of overfishing, sea urchins have decreased significantly in some areas, causing the balance in ecosystems to be disrupted. Since sea urchins serve important functions for the health of coral reefs and coastal ecosystems, such environmental problems negatively affect biodiversity.

Scientific research shows that the calcium carbonate-rich skeletons of sea urchins play an important role in the carbon cycle. Their skeletons are formed by biomineralization, a process that draws carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and thereby regulates the acid levels of the seas.

Can Sea Urchins be Eaten?

Sea Urchin
Sea Urchin

Sea urchin is edible and considered a valuable seafood in many cultures. They are especially popular in Mediterranean, Japanese and Chilean cuisines. It is usually consumed raw and has a unique, slightly sweet taste. Sea urchin is especially popular in Japanese cuisine (known as uni) and is used in a variety of dishes. However, before consuming sea urchins, it is important to learn how to clean and prepare them safely, as some types can be poisonous.

Consumption of sea urchins may also pose the risk of paralytic crustacean poisoning because these creatures can filter and accumulate potentially toxic algae.

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