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Sport and Amateur Fishing: A Hobby in Peace with Nature

Sport fishing creates a large economy as an activity where people spend their free time and relax mentally and physically throughout the world, especially in Europe. Sport and amateur fishing is a sports activity preferred especially by those with a high level of prosperity and those who want to escape from the chaos of city life.

Sport Fishing
Sport Fishing

Definition of Sport Fishing

In terms of law and legal regulations, sport fishing is defined as an activity that aims only for sports and recreation and does not aim to gain any financial or commercial gain. Sport fishing is an activity in which the caught fish are not sold for commercial purposes, but are carried out only as a sporting activity. People who practice sport fishing are viewed as individuals who love nature, have a sports spirit, and obey the laws and rules. During such activities, a conscious approach is adopted towards the protection of fish species and the environment.

Sport Amateur Fishing Certificate

Sport and amateur fishing certificate is a document valid for 5 years, which can be obtained from the provincial directorates of agriculture and forestry and can usually be obtained for a small fee. This document ensures that sport fishing and non-commercial individuals engage in fishing in accordance with state laws and regulations. The sport fishing certificate is a mandatory document for non-commercial fishermen in the sea and on seashores, lakes and dams, and should always be kept with them.

Sport and amateur fishing is a perfect hobby for those who like to be in touch with nature. At the same time, this activity promotes awareness of the protection of fish species and the environment and respects the natural balance. Fishing is an ideal option for those who want to spend time in a quiet and peaceful environment.

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