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The Scariest Fish in the World

Despite scientific research and technological advances, we still have not been able to elucidate most of the life in the seas. Who knows how many living species there are in the seas, where new creatures are discovered every day, that we are not yet aware of. Would you like to know which are the scariest fish species discovered so far?

In this article, we will see the scariest fish species encountered in the world. Even standing near these fish species can cause you to lose sleep. Here are the scariest fish in the world:

Pelican Eel (Saccopharyngiformes)

The reason why the pelican eel is on the list of the scariest fish is that it can eat species much larger than itself. It has very large and strong jaws compared to its body. Since it lives in the depths of the oceans, your probability of encountering it is very low. These fish can generally eat anything in the water. There is no record of a person losing their life due to pelican eel. However, you should not approach this fish, which has a jaw strong enough to compete with a crocodile.

Pelican Eel
Pelican Eel

Antennamental Lionfish (Pterois antennata)

The antennal lionfish, which is especially dangerous for divers, is a nocturnal fish that is the most dangerous fish in Australia. It is found in tropical waters in and around India and in the Western Pacific Ocean. It hides during the day and hunts shrimp and crabs at night. The antennal lionfish, with an average length of 40 cm and a weight of 1200 grams, is on the list of the most dangerous fish. This is because there is a very dangerous poison in his body. When you come into contact with this poison, it can cause inflammation, rash, bleeding, muscle pain, heart problems and breathing difficulties.

Lionfish with Antennae
Lionfish with Antennae

Puffer Fish (Tetraodontidae)

It is a fish that can inflate several times as a defense tactic against predators. Some species have spines on their bodies that contain poison 1200 times stronger than cyanide. The poison of the puffer fish is strong enough to kill 30 people at a time. For this reason, it is a fish that is very dangerous for humans and requires attention. Although they generally live in tropical and subtropical waters, they can also be found in slightly salty waters. Puffer fish are becoming more aggressive day by day, as their living spaces shrink and their nutrients decrease due to water pollution.

Puffer fish
Puffer fish

Viper Fish

Viper fish, which live at depths of 2000 meters and above, use their glowing organs to hunt. Viper fish is a dangerous fish with a frightening appearance. In particular, its jaw is very hard and it has very sharp teeth. These fish, with an average length of 35 cm, live in almost a quarter of the oceans. It would be better to stay away from this fish, which you may encounter in Turkey.

Viper Fish
Viper Fish

Stonefish (Synanceia)

It is no wonder that the stonefish, a shy and little-known fish, is on the list of the scariest fish in the world. It is not enough to call this fish, which lives in the Indian and Pacific Oceans, dangerous. The stonefish may even be the most poisonous fish in the world, as it contains a very powerful poison where its fins contact the spine. The poison of the stone fish is strong enough to cause death in seconds. The fact that they can easily hide from dangers and prey by approaching a rock to camouflage makes them even more dangerous. Feeding on small fish and crustaceans, the stonefish is so well camouflaged that it can be accidentally stepped on.


Barracuda (Disambiguation)

Visually cute but very dangerous, the barracuda is very aggressive and can even attack people in the open seas. Contrary to what we are used to, they do not sneak up on their prey. The barracuda, which can accelerate to 90 km in seconds, can trap its prey without realizing what has happened to it. These fish, with an average length of 45 cm, are found in tropical seas and especiallyIt is located in the Caribbean Sea.


Goliath Tiger Fish

Goliath Tiger Fish, which is a very large and predatory fish, has a very large body. This extremely dangerous fish has a crocodile-like jaw. It has an average weight of 75 kg and a height of around 1.5 meters. Goliath tiger fish, called the most dangerous fish in Africa, is mostly found in the Congo River basin.

Goliath Tigerfish
Goliath Tigerfish


As you all guessed, we could not add piranhas to the list of the most dangerous fish. Many of us know these fish, which live in South American waters, from movies. Today, around 60 piranha species have been identified and they are on average 25 cm long. Piranha fish, which generally live in the fresh waters of the Amazon River, can also be seen on the coasts of Ecuador, Bolivia, Venezuela and Colombia. The possibility of encountering the piranha fish, which is an indispensable part of horror movies, is quite high since it swims very close to the surface. Because they are extremely aggressive, even one of them can attack without stopping and cause great damage to humans.


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