Tiger Shark Features
The tiger shark (Galeocerdo cuvier) is a type of shark in the family Carcharhinidae. It is the second most dangerous shark species in the world and is quite aggressive.
This fish has a wide and blunt nose and saw-like teeth in its mouth. It has dark, tiger-like patterns on its gray body. Young tiger shark patterns are more pronounced but fade as they age. The belly is white, the upper lobe of the caudal fin is broad and very strong.
The length of the tiger shark is between 3 and 4 meters, and its weight varies between 385-635 kilograms. The largest known tiger shark has a length of 7.4 meters and a weight of 3,110 kilograms.
Do Tiger Sharks Give Birth?
The tiger shark reproduces by giving birth and the number of cubs varies between 11 and 82. The gestation period is 12-13 months. The length of a newborn tiger shark cub is between 51-102 cm.
What Does a Tiger Shark Eat?
The tiger shark is not picky and will eat anything in its path. This often results in him eating things he cannot digest. They also mistake things like bottles, tin cans, pieces of metal, car tires, money, clothes, sacks and coals, and even explosives as food. Known as the ocean's floating trash cans, the tiger shark vomits up on objects that it cannot digest. This feature allows him to eat anything.
Where Does the Tiger Shark Live?
The tiger shark usually lives on the coast, in estuaries, lagoons and bays. It prefers areas up to 140 meters deep, but it has also been seen that it can go down to 305 meters and below. Tiger shark species, which are distributed in tropical and temperate waters around the world, are not found in the Mediterranean.
Is the Tiger Shark Dangerous?
The tiger shark is one of the most dangerous species. They are also dangerous to humans as they are generally not aggressive and not picky about food. In the number of human attacks, the tiger shark comes after the great white shark (Carcharadon carchariasi). While the great white shark is more aggressive towards humans in numbers, a tiger shark attack is more dangerous and often deadly. This is because of the tiger shark's attack pattern. The great white shark bites off its prey, then returns for a second bite. But the tiger shark attacks its prey and continues to tear and tear it non-stop. It does not give its prey a chance to escape. Attacks can come from deep or from the surface of the water. In the second case, the shark sticks its head out of the water and looks around to look for prey. It does this in preparation before attacking its prey.