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Whale Shark: The World's Largest Fish

Whale Shark Characteristics

The whale shark (Rhincodon typus) is the largest fish in the world. The whale shark can reach up to 12 meters in length and weigh up to 21 tons. Whale sharks can grow up to 18 meters, although most reports state they are around 12 metres. Its closest rival, the great shark (Cetorhinus maximus), is 10 meters long and can grow up to 15 meters. They do not fit the cruel and savage image that sharks are known for. The largest sea creature in the world is known as the Blue Whale. However, the blue whale is not a fish, but a marine mammal. The whale shark is not dangerous and can be approached. This situation has increased concerns about the continuation of their lineage in recent years. They travel in groups in certain parts of the world. Although many well-intentioned eco-tourists, scientists, and guardians have access to them, it is clear that there are also people who are not well-intentioned.

The bodies of whale sharks have a flat head, a truncated snout, a large mouth and numerous small teeth. They have light colored spots on their gray bodies and stripes in different patterns for each fish. The bottom of its body is white and there are 3 distinct protrusions on its back. Little is known about female whale sharks' eggs, which they store inside until they hatch. Newborn baby whale sharks are approximately 71 cm long on average.

What Do Whale Sharks Eat? Where Does He Live?

The whale shark eats plankton, small fish, and other sea creatures large enough to pass through its gills. It is known as a slow-moving creature that is generally not dangerous to humans. These huge animals can be found in both oceans and inland seas. The whale shark lives in tropical and warm regions from the surface to a depth of approximately 130 meters. The Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean and Indian Ocean are the places where it lives most in the world.

Whale Shark
Whale Shark

Status of the Whale Shark

Although the whale shark is not listed as an endangered species by CITES, it is at risk of extinction. The whale shark has become a popular destination for marine tourism. Seeing these huge animals is a point of attraction, especially for those who want to do sea diving. However, tourism activities can also endanger whale shark populations.

Commercial hunting activities of whale sharks also endanger their populations. Hunting of whale sharks is especially common in countries such as India and the Philippines. Whale shark meat is eaten, usually cut into strips, dried in the sun and sold at local fish markets. However, due to the increasing demand for fresh fish meat in Asia in recent years, whale shark hunting has increased further. Therefore, international conservation efforts need to be increased to protect whale sharks and revive their populations.

Since very little is known about the life of the whale shark, the number of their populations and their reproduction rates are not fully known. However, it is inevitable that whale shark populations are rapidly decreasing due to commercial hunting activities and are at risk of extinction.

In conclusion, the whale shark is the largest fish in the world and it is possible to observe it in certain parts of the world. However, in order to protect these huge animals, more information and awareness must be created, international conservation efforts must be increased, and commercial hunting activities must be controlled. This is vital for whale sharks to survive and pass on to future generations.

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