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What are Shark Characteristics?

In this article, we will give you general information about the shark, one of the most predatory fish species of the seas and oceans, and its characteristics. Shark is the fish that people are most curious about and want to know about. People have always been afraid of sharks from past to present. This creature has become the nightmare of the seas.

You will be surprised when you learn why sharks, which can sometimes even attack humans, do this. However, before this topic, let's first learn the characteristics of this predatory fish species.

Main Shark Features are;

  • There are approximately 360 shark species living in the world today.

  • They are found at the top of the marine food chain.

  • Shark bones have a very flexible and cartilaginous texture.

  • They breathe thanks to 5-7 gill slits on both sides of their bodies.

  • Shark teeth regenerate spontaneously over certain periods of time. Teeth that come out due to any impact are immediately replaced by new ones.

  • The body of the shark is dark gray and blue from the top and light colored below. In this way, they can easily camouflage themselves in water and attack their prey without being seen.

  • The shark's sense of smell is extraordinarily developed. In this way, it can smell blood drops from tens of kilometers away.

  • Sharks hunt by moving very quickly, especially in the evening and night hours.

  • Sharks generally live alone and come together only during breeding periods.

  • The most dangerous shark species great white shark. It is the shark species that is most commonly attacked on humans.

  • The maturation process of sharks is quite slow.

  • The lifespan of sharks is generally between 12 and 15 years.

  • Sharks need to constantly move in the water to avoid drowning.

  • The largest shark species is the whale shark. The whale shark is on average 15 meters long.

What Do Sharks Eat?

Sharks feed on almost all fish species, marine mammals and other marine creatures. Some shark species can swallow anything they come across, thinking it is food.


Why Do Sharks Attack People

The shark does not feed on humans and has absolutely no liking for human flesh. Most of the time, their attacks on humans result in injury. Human deaths are due to the fatal size of these wounds.

The reason why the shark attacks people is that it resembles a sea lion. After attacking and injuring people, they realize that they are not sea lions and generally move away from the individual they attacked.

Although they do not see humans as food, shark species are quite dangerous. We recommend that you should never swim in the waters they are in.

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