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What are the Features of Surf Rods? What to Consider When Choosing a Surf Rod?

In this article, which aims to help you when choosing a surf fishing rod, we will explain both the rods and their components. Once you have information about the topics listed below, you will be able to easily choose a surf rod and learn what you should pay attention to when buying a rod.

Surf Casting Rods
Surf Casting Rods

What is Surf Rod?

Surfing Rod, named after a fishing discipline Surf Casting hunting. Although it is difficult to find resources about this discipline, you can find the necessary information on our fishing techniques page.

Surf Casting is a discipline with its own unique tools and bait types, and one of the most important materials is surf casting rods, also known as surf rods. Surf rods are generally between 3.60 – 4.50 m in length. Although rare, there are rods over 4.50 m with the name "Surfcasting" pronounced, but they are actually different rods designed for the fishing technique known as "Heavy Casting", that is, for hunting close to the shore and around deep rocks.

There are many different ideas that may confuse you when choosing a surf fishing pole. It is one of the materials about which there is the most controversy. While traditional long rods are sufficient for some, some fishermen state that surf rods should have different features.

It is normal for an amateur fisherman who is just starting out with the surf casting fishing technique to be indecisive when choosing a surf fishing rod. However, as in every fishing technique, there are some rules in surf rod.

The type of pasture and fish you will choose gives you clues when choosing a fishing pole. You can choose the most suitable surf fishing rod by taking into account both the general rules and your preferences.

What Should We Pay Attention to When Buying Surf Rods? What are its features?

Although surf rods do not seem much different from others at first glance, they differ from others with the materials they are produced from, their lengths and special designs.

Reed Length

The first point to consider is the reed size. The ideal length for surf rods is between 360-450 cm. Although longer rods are preferred by some surf anglers, they are used in special pastures belonging to a different discipline. Choosing the length depends entirely on your comfort and ability in shooting. Of course, the region to be used also affects this. Short rods are generally used for close casting and baited tackle.

Atar Value of the Reed

Surf casting is a technique that requires casting away from the shore. Reaching the farthest point in this technique increases the possibility of catching fish. That's why high weight bullets are of great importance. The direction and intensity of the wind change the weight calculation. Because the direction and intensity of the wind can change the direction of the bullet. The fact that the surf rod can easily cast a 200 gram lead will affect your success, but fishing with a 200 gram lead can be tiring. Therefore, if your rod is 4.20 meters long, you can replace it with a 150 gram lead, cast it to the same distance and fish more easily.

The material from which the straw is produced

The material from which the surf rod is produced must be carbonfibre. Carbon is a strong and lightweight material. Since surf rods are long, the necessary balance of hardness, flexibility and lightness is provided by carbon. This material gives the fishing pole flexibility and durability. It also makes the reed more sensitive. The carbon and varnish ratio used in the cane is also important. Double coat of varnish provides protection against minor scratches reaching the carbon and the possibility of explosion or breakage during shooting due to these scratches.

Machine Size

Machine size varies depending on the distance between the machine and the first ring. For example; A 45-50 surf machine would be incompatible with a rod with an 88mm ring width and we would most likely experience problems with the shots or short distance shots due to friction.

Machine Bed

The reel bed, which is an important part of surf rods, must also be durable. Standards have been established in Surf machine beds. For this reason, it is one of the parts that will cause the least problems on surf casting rods. Many branded and unbranded products imitate Fuji designs. However, as an industrial standard, Fuji maintains its superiority and is preferred.

Reed Structure

Surf Rods are divided into two groups: telescopic and segmented. For the Surf Casting discipline, the highest performance rods that can meet the needs such as shooting performance and hitting accuracy at long distances are 2 or 3-piece surf rod models. If you do not have any transportation problems, you can give priority to split surf fishing rods. These are much superior to telescopic rods. Telescopic surf rods are not the right choice because they have some disadvantages in most surf casting disciplines. We can list the negative aspects of telescopic surf rods and the advantages of segmented rods as follows;

What are the Disadvantages of Telescopic Surf Rods?

  • Wear and decrease in shooting performance in a short time.

  • Inability to use high precision tips other than the body material.

  • In sandy pastures, sand gets inside due to wind and causes serious damage to the body when opening and closing.

  • Limited shooting performance.

  • The action of the guide legs is limited due to the short length of the parts.

  • As the shooting range increases, shot deafness occurs.

  • Low price performance ratios.

What are the Advantages of Split Surf Rods?

  • Provides longer-term durability.

  • It has a very high shooting performance.

  • It has high hit sensitivity.

  • The leash is more successful.

  • The price / performance ratio is much better.

Ring Sizes and Types

It is necessary to pay close attention to the ring widths in this technique. It is not paid much attention in our country, but this is very important in the Surf Casting discipline. Ring sizes try to keep the fishing line coming out of the machine in a straight line. Meanwhile, it helps the fishing line to show the least friction resistance. If we choose the machine according to the ring size of the rod, you will see that it offers the opportunity to unload the line easily while casting. Surf Casting rod rings range from 16 mm to 100 mm. Braided fishing lines damage normal quality rings. For this reason, it is possible to see durable Fuji rings specially produced for rope fishing lines in most of the rods produced for Surf Casting. The material from which the fishing line rings are produced and the distance they are positioned on the rod also help you understand whether a fishing rod can be a surf fishing rod. The fishing line rings are placed more spaced on the surf fishing rod compared to the classic fishing rods.

Reed Tips

Reed tips are also important in choosing a surf fishing rod. Rod tips that bend and bend due to high weight can greatly hinder hunting. Tip preference for surf rods varies according to need. If you want better performance with high weights of 175 grams and above, the tubular tip offers a better shooting performance. However, tubular tips are not as sensitive as hybrid tips. Although hybrid tips negatively affect shooting performance at high weights, they have a serious advantage in terms of hit sensitivity and feedback. Thanks to the hitting reaction of the hybrid tips, it becomes easier to pick out the hits in windy and wavy seas, while a more successful tacking effect is achieved thanks to the gathering reaction. If you are fishing with average weights, the type of rod with a hybrid tip is what you need. For high weights, you should use rods with tubular tips.

Differences Between Hybrid and Tubular Tips

  • Tubular tips offer better performance at higher weights.

  • Hybrid tips have higher hitting sensitivity.

  • Hybrid tips have positive effects on backlash.

  • Hybrid tips perform better at average weights.

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