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What are the Interesting Features of Dolphins?

Dolphins, one of the most intelligent creatures of the animal kingdom, thanks to their friendly behavior

There are many curious questions about dolphins, which are described as very intelligent. They have interesting and mind-blowing characteristics that make them different from other fish. Some interesting features known about dolphins are:

  1. Bottlenose dolphins of the bottlenose dolphin species are the most familiar dolphin species to humans.

  2. Dolphins can sleep by turning off half their brains. The open part allows control of vital functions such as breathing. When half of the brain sleeps, their metabolism slows down and they remain almost motionless.

  3. One feature that distinguishes dolphins from all mammals is that their babies emerge from the mother's womb with their tails in front. So they give birth breech.

  4. They can dive to a depth of 260 meters.

  5. Dolphins have brain problems such as problem solving, awareness, etc. The part of the neocortex that deals with signs of intelligence is very complex and developed.

  6. Dolphins have the ability to recognize themselves in the mirror, which many animals cannot do. Dolphins can understand different gestures and words displayed by humans.

  7. Dolphins can determine the direction, distance, speed, size and shape of the object in front of them by emitting sound waves from a special organ in front of their heads.

  8. They can see behind them with their eyes having a 180 degree angle. They have good vision both in and above water.

  9. Each dolphin has its own unique whistle that serves as a name.

  10. Dolphins also have a very strong memory. They can remember the whistles of dolphins they know even after many years.

  11. The killer whale orca is actually a type of dolphin, not a whale. It is the largest member of the dolphin family.

  12. Dolphins are extremely social and can jump 6 meters above the water surface.

  13. There are 43 different species of dolphin. 38 species of dolphins live in the seas and 5 species live in rivers.


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