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What are the symptoms of a jellyfish sting? What to Do in a Jellyfish Attack?

Jellyfish attracts attention with its transparent body and beautiful appearance. a dangerous sea creature. Jellyfish, which are soft and have tentacles, secrete poison when they come into contact with another living creature. Experts make serious warnings about this creature, which has many species. Jellyfish approaching the surface, especially in summer, pose a great danger to humans.

jellyfish strike
Jellyfish washed up on shore

There are around 300 species of this creature in the world, the most dangerous of which is the box jellyfish. Fortunately, this jellyfish species does not exist in our country's seas. A less dangerous species called barrel jellyfish is frequently encountered on the Aegean and Mediterranean coasts.

Jellyfish Sting Symptoms

One of the most fearful situations for people who go swimming in the summer is encountering jellyfish. Jellyfish sting causes symptoms such as burning, redness, swelling and pain. Bymptoms vary depending on the person's body structure, allergies, contact area and size. Symptoms usually disappear within a few hours, but contact with poisonous jellyfish can cause serious consequences. In severe poisoning, muscle cramps, abdominal swelling, loss of sensation, severe back pain, difficulty speaking, etc. may occur. visible. Let's see together what you can do against jellyfish stings.

How to Treat Jellyfish Sting

In case of a jellyfish strike, you must first remain calm and ensure quick and correct intervention. Get out of the water as soon as possible after contact and take appropriate steps for treatment. Never touch the area where the jellyfish stung. Never cover the contact area as this may cause inflammation. Washing the contact area with fresh water is the biggest mistake. Fresh water causes the poison in the jellyfish pieces remaining on your skin to spread and cause further damage. The contact area should first be washed thoroughly with alcohol, blue spirit, vinegar or, if none, sea water. If the contact surface is large, it is necessary to clean the small pieces remaining on the skin. You should pour powder or shaving foam and clean it with a credit card, the back of a knife or a similar hard object without irritating the skin. After the cleaning process, you can continue the treatment by washing the area again and applying ice. Give the injured person painkillers, antihistamines, etc. You can give it and apply ointment and disinfectant locally.

When is a Jellyfish Sting Dangerous?

Dangerous in Turkish seas jellyfish species, but jellyfish from other seas can be found. Although jellyfish are not poisonous, an allergic reaction may occur after contact. Situations requiring urgent intervention are:

  • Difficulty in swallowing and breathing,

  • Swelling of the tongue or lips, change in voice,

  • Severe pain,

  • Nausea and vomiting,

  • Cramps,

  • The size of the contact area is more than half of the arm or leg,

  • Contact of mouth, eyes and face,

In these cases, it is necessary to seek medical help as soon as possible. If the symptoms are only in the bite area and the person does not feel bad, first aid may be sufficient.The poison of some species shows its effect late. Therefore, be sure to consult a health institution.


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