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What is Angler Fish? Where it lives? What Eats?

What is Angler Fish?

The anglerfish (Lophius piscatorius) is a fearsome looking fish from the Lophiidae family. It has an antenna on its head that glows like a lantern. Unlike other fish, its body is scaleless and slippery. The anglerfish has a large head and mouth, and two fins and spines on its back. The body structure is flat, flattened from the top. Their rounded form and large head prevent them from swimming fast. Light-producing symbiotic bacteria live on the tips of their fishing line-like appendages (illisium) on their heads. Thanks to this, they can easily catch their prey by attracting them. The average size of the angler fish, which has a frightening appearance, is between 40 and 60 cm. The largest angler fish ever caught is 150 cm long. Female anglerfish, whose breeding season is from March to August, can lay up to one million eggs at a time.

Do you eat anglerfish?" If you ask, our answer would be yes. Angler fish, skinned by fishermen after catching so that their ugly appearance does not affect sales, tastes great. It is included in the menus of restaurants with the name "Rape" in Spain and "coda di rana pescatrice" or "coda di rospo" in Italy.

Angler fish
Angler fish

Where Do Angler Fish Live?

The newly hatched anglerfish lives in shallow waters, but as it grows, it moves into deeper waters. Adult anglerfish live in the deepest and darkest parts of the sea. They camouflage and hunt by burying themselves in the muddy ground at dark sea bottoms. Angler fish live in the North Atlantic Ocean and the Southern Ocean, which have a tropical climate in the world. Angler fish in Turkey live at depths of about 300-350 meters in the deepest points of the Aegean, Marmara and Black Seas.

What Does Angler Fish Eat?

Young anglerfish usually feed on invertebrates, while adult ones eat small fish. They have an extensive food menu including anglerfish, crustaceans, snails and small fish. Anglerfish are not picky about food. They also consider dead and sunken creatures as an effortless food.

Interesting Facts About Anglerfish

  • The sole purpose of existence of the male anglerfish is to find a female to breed. Mating occurs when the male fish bites and clings to the female.

  • When the male anglerfish reaches a certain age, its digestive system does not work. That's why they have to find a female.

  • When the male bites the female, the two fish merge into a single creature and a single blood circulation is created.

  • Female anglerfish are much larger than males.

  • Other than anglerfish, invertebrates, and small fish, albeit rarely, whittles u> even eats squid, octopus, cod and sea turtles.

  • Also known as anglerfish, lightfish and sea monster.

  • Despite its ugly appearance, the anglerfish is a very tasty fish. The flesh remains white even when cooked.

angler fish photo
angler fish photo

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