Bleak is a fish from the carp family and its name comes from the structure of its scales. Artificial pearls can be made from the scales of the bleak.
What are the Characteristics of Bleak Fish?
The average length of the Bleak fish is 20 centimeters. They are rarely seen growing up to 25 centimeters. The fin color of the Bleak fish is darker than the dorsal part. The Bleak fish has a thin, long and laterally flattened body and its eyes are also large. Its mouth is large compared to its body and its lower jaw is slightly extended forward. With its mouth structure, it is easier for it to catch and eat flies and insects.
What Does It Eat?
Bleak, one of the small fish species, feeds by hunting water worms, plankton, insect larvae and flies on the water surface.
Where is Bleak Fish Used?
Bleak fish are generally used as bait to hunt large fish in angling. In ancient times, it had a high commercial value because its scales were used to make fake pearls. Today, Bleak fish are not caught for this purpose because aluminum is used in the production of artificial pearls.
Where Does He Live?
Bleak fish live in flocks in slow-flowing rivers and lakes. It can be seen from the Volga River in Russia to western Europe, as well as in Ireland, Scandinavia and Scotland. Bleak fish are also known as "Freshwater sardine" in our country.
How to Reproduce?
The breeding season of the Bleak fish takes place between April and June. Bleak fish lay their eggs on aquatic plants in sandy and stony areas at the entrances of rivers. Female Bleak fish do not shed their eggs all at once. It can lay around 8000 eggs during the breeding season. Bleak fish live for an average of 7 years.
Is Bleak Fish Delicious?
Bleak meat is delicious, but it is mostly used as bait fish. Due to its small size, it is not taken into consideration by amateur fishermen.
How to Catch Bleak
The most common system in Bleak fishing is to use float fishing gear. It is a fish that is enjoyable to angling. They usually travel in flocks. They also enter brackish waters in river deltas that flow into the sea. Since Bleak feed from the surface of the water, they can also be caught with fly tackle.