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What is Dough Bait? Fish Paste Types and Selection

Using Dough Bait for Different Fish Species

The choice of dough bait in fishing is of great importance depending on the type of fish to be caught. Fish pulp is divided into two main categories: baits for marine fish and freshwater fish. Dough baits are widely preferred for species such as carp, especially in freshwater fishing.

Dough Bait
Dough Bait

  1. Carp Hunting: Dough baits for carp are prepared with especially sweet aromas and various flavor additives. Natural attractiveness enhancers such as vanilla, chocolate, fish oil or garlic are added. Carp dough is prepared in the form of a round ball and can be attached directly to the needle or placed in the lead system.

  2. Trout Fishing: Fish paste prepared for trout is generally smaller and more colorful. Bright colors and sometimes flakes are added that mimic the color of natural bait. The bait is attached to the trout hook in small pieces.

  3. Mullet Hunting: The dough prepared for mullet is generally made from ingredients such as bread dough, corn flour and sometimes fish meal. Fish paste is mixed with bread crumbs and other particles and dissolves in water to attract mullets.

  4. Sea Bass Hunting: Dough baits for sea bass should generally have a marine scent. Prepared using extracts of fish such as anchovy or sardine, these baits are adjusted to be suitable for the saltwater environment.

  5. General Use for Freshwater Fish: Dough bait for freshwater fish is generally soft and sticky. Flavors and seasonings frequently used by fishermen are added to the bait. These baits are especially effective in stagnant waters and lakes.

  6. Dough Food for Sea Fish: Dough bait prepared for sea fish should have a sea odor and salinity. Extracts obtained from crab, squid and other seafood are used in this type of feed.

For each fish species, the paste bait is customized according to the natural feeding habits of the fish and the characteristics of the water in which it is fished. The right flavor and consistency play an important role in attracting the fish and keeping the bait stuck on the hook.

Fish Paste Types and Their Role in Hunting

Fish paste is prepared in different formulas for sea and freshwater fish. Special paste food for marine fish is enriched with scents suitable for fish species. Colored fish paste is preferred in freshwater fish, especially carp and mullet hunting. These baits are very effective in attracting fish with the essences and colors they contain. The colored paste used in hunting large carp increases success when used with regular feeding.

Dough Bait Types for Fishing
Dough Bait Types for Fishing

Things to Consider When Choosing Dough Bait

When choosing paste bait, the targeted fish species and the characteristics of the water it lives in should be prioritized. The main elements that attract fish are smell, color and taste. It is known that smell creates an attractive effect in fishing, so the smell of dough baits is of great importance. Additionally, color and brightness can also be effective in attracting fish's attention. Taste is usually of secondary importance, as it is a factor that fish cannot detect before swallowing the bait.

Fish Paste Prices

Dough baits offer fishermen a wide range of options with their varieties and formulas specific to fish species. Prices vary depending on the type and content of the feed, but are generally affordable.

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