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What is Sea Cucumber? What are its features? Can you eat sea cucumber?

Sea cucumber, an invertebrate creature belonging to the Holothuroidea family, is Latin for Holothuria spp.

Due to its body shape, it reminds me of cucumber, eggplant or sausage. Its mouth is located at one end of its body and its anus is at the other. It is usually 30 cm tall and can grow up to 60 cm long. There are about 10-30 tentacles around the mouth, which are used for sense, touch and catching prey.

sea cucumber
Sea Cucumber

There are 900 known species of sea cucumber, which live in shallow waters near the shore. The shape of male and female sea cucumbers that reproduce by laying eggs is very similar to each other. Some may be hermaphrodites. It is a creature that has the ability to renew itself.

They have small tube feet called ambulacral. They also use these feet as sensory organs. Sea cucumber species that do not have tube feet live in U-shaped burrows at the bottom. Sea Cucumber (Sea cucumber) has a special respiratory system known as water lung or respiratory tree.

What are the Benefits of Sea Cucumber?

Sea cucumber (sea cucumber) is considered by biologists as the filter of the seas. According to research, it has been revealed that it cleans an average of 150 tons of sea sand annually. Especially considering the marine pollution caused by the destruction of nature and the discharge of industrial wastes into the sea without filtering, sea cucumber (sea cucumber) has a vital role for the ecosystem.

Sea cucumbers, which move very slowly under the sea, display complex and surprising tactics in times of danger. Some species, which secrete a white tubule, can shock their prey into immobilization. Another protection or attack feature is that they can protrude their stomachs from their anus. In this way, it neutralizes its prey or enemy with a poisonous liquid. This poisonous liquid has the power to kill many living things around it and itself.

Their most important feature is their ability to turn themselves into liquid, thanks to a structure called capture collagen found all over their bodies. While in liquid form, they can pass through areas they normally cannot pass through, such as a rock, and return to their original state. Collagens are a type of protein that forms fiber, bones, cartilage and joints. Some species can inflate themselves to large sizes, while others can spray water and appear as small as a pebble.It is truly frightening to know that there is a creature that can use these features in daily life, which we can normally see in science fiction movies.

Can Sea Cucumber be eaten?

Sea cucumber, which is not consumed in Turkey because it is not well known, is preferred for different purposes in Far Eastern countries such as China. Sea cucumber, which is used in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry as well as food, is also called sea cucumber. Sea cucumber, which is believed to be good for fatigue, impotence and joint pain in China, is a high source of protein. In Southeast Asia and Australia, sea cucumbers are cooked in sea water and dried. When eaten, it is boiled in fresh water and made into soup.

Sea eggplant, like many other seafood, can be consumed easily and is very delicious. If cooked and consumed correctly, it strengthens the immune system and has many benefits for people.

Why is it Forbidden to Collect Sea Cucumber?

Sea cucumber fishing developed as a sector in our country in the 2000s. Hundreds of divers earn their living by collecting sea cucumbers along the Aegean and Marmara Sea coasts. In recent years, up to 300 thousand tons of sea cucumbers have been sold annually through exports to Far Eastern countries. According to TÜİK data, an income of approximately 7 million dollars is obtained from this sale. Since sea cucumber fishing has been carried out uncontrollably lately, the Ministry of Agriculture has taken action and imposed restrictions. It only allows sea cucumber fishing in certain areas. Hunting outside of permitted areas is punishable by heavy fines.

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