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What is Spin Hunting and How is it Done? What are the Tips of Spin Fishing?

Spin fishing, which is rapidly rising among the new generation fishing techniques, has been rapidly adopted by hobbyist amateur fishers all over the world and in Turkey in recent years. Spin hunting is known as the throw-and-shoot technique in our country. Silicone or It is a type of fishing that involves floating model fish in the water and pulling them back. Here, the fish is made to approach the hook, not come to it.

spin fishing technique
Spin hunting technique

Spin fishing, which makes the fisherman more dynamic than passive, has attracted the attention of many amateur fishermen with its unique techniques and equipment. The spin technique, which turns fishing from a quiet hobby into a sport, is especially followed with enthusiasm by young fishermen.

Spin fishing technique is an ideal method for fishermen who want to spend more time in nature. In classical angling, you focus on one fish, while in spin fishing, you hunt by scanning the pasture.

It can be used in both salt water and fresh water with appropriate equipment and fake bait. With these features, it appeals to a wide audience.

In this article, we will give you the general information you need to know about the spin technique. Thus, beginners can also benefit from our article. It would be useful to explain detailed issues such as reed, machine and feed selection according to pasture in other articles.

How to Do Spin Fishing?

Spin hunting techniques are not difficult at all, contrary to what they seem. It can develop rapidly depending on your experience. Before spin hunting, you should find a suitable pasture and find out whether there are fish suitable for this technique.

In spin fishing, the action given to the fishing rod is very important to attract the attention of the fish. Giving less action than necessary will cause the fish to get stuck or lose interest, and pulling too fast will cause the fish to not reach the desired depth.

If you are new to spin hunting, you should not hunt in very rocky and narrow areas. Otherwise, you may damage your bait by getting your bait stuck on a rock and even lose interest in this hobby.Another issue is at what distance and in what way the fishing line should be cast. In this regard, you should pay attention to the general condition of the pasture. You can make different casting techniques by taking into account the fake bait you use and your location.

Which fish can be caught with spin fishing?

Spin fishing is the most practical and easiest fishing. It is a technique that allows you to hunt and return to your normal life within 1-2 hours.

Although spin fishing is suitable for many fish species, the target is generally large and predatory fish. Targeting large fish in this technique will provide you with great excitement and pleasure.

Turkey offers many options to fishermen with the variety of fish found in its seas, rivers and lakes suitable for spin angling. For example, you can have a pleasant whitefish hunt in the Mediterranean with the spin technique. bluefish in the Black Sea and Marmara Sea. Sea bass in the Aegean Sea you can try your luck at in addition, hunting a wild fish such as a pike in lakes and dam lakes with spin hunting will give you a great adrenaline rush and pleasure. Spin fishing is also used for squid fishing. Bonito and dentex fish are among the fish species suitable for spin hunting.

How to Choose the Right Equipment in Spinning Technique?

Light materials should be preferred in order to make hunting in the shot-and-shoot technique comfortable, convenient and long-lasting. Because horse-drawn fishing is a hunting technique that requires effort.

Fishing rod When choosing a cane durable, flexible and lightweight canes should be preferred. Fishing rods with a length of 2.10 / 2.40 / 2.70 cm and an action of 7-28 / 15-40 / 10-30 gr should be preferred for spin fishing. For fishing reels, machines with values between 2500 and 4000 should be preferred.

Since fish have a wide nutritional diversity, the baits used in spin fishing also vary.

Fake baits serve to attract fish with sensory stimuli based on smell, appearance and movement. Fake baits offer long-term use, unlike live bait. It also allows an unexpected fish to jump on the hook. When choosing fake bait, you should make sure that it is suitable for the pasture, fishing gear and fish. Among the spin fake baits, silicones, hard baits and spoons are fondly used. The most important point is to choose feed according to the pasture, hunting time and weather condition.

Some Terms We Will Encounter in Spin Technique

  • Jerk – Twitch: While winding, quickly move the tip of the reed in the opposite direction. is to pull. This action makes the bait look like a wounded and escaping fish. You should make irregular single, double and triple windings, on average, every 4-5 windings. No fish moves the same way when injured.

  • Wobbling: It is the wobbling movement of the fish we attract.< /p>

  • Roll Action : When jerk or twitch is made while reeling the fishing line, the fish Imagine turning around and going out. This is the best description of this action.

  • WTD – Walk The Dog: The result of winding by vibrating the reed. It is action. You can also give this movement by hitting the water and winding in short intervals.

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