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What Should Be Considered While Fishing?

Why Fishing?

In order for people to have a healthy and balanced diet, fish meat is needed, among other foods. Some nutrients in fish meat are important needs for human health.

As a hobby, you can also go fishing to rest and relax. You can also evaluate the fish you catch financially by selling it. You can also prepare a very delicious meal for your health. These are entirely up to you. In this article, we will briefly talk about the points you should pay attention to while fishing.

Things to Consider While Fishing

The points to be considered in fishing may vary depending on the type of fish to be hunted and the pasture. First of all, desire and patience are important in fishing. The person who goes fishing should be patient about waiting for a long time, and for this he should have a strong desire to hunt. Both are very important in marine fish or freshwater fish.

In fishing, you should choose bait according to the type of fish to be hunted. According to the taste of the target fish, many baits such as bread, leech, baboon and goat can be selected. For lake fish such as carp or trout, pulp type baits should be used. The other thing to pay attention to is the hunting gear . Fish can be shot in the water using a harpoon, and it is also possible to hunt with a fishing rod. Fishing nets, which can vary in length and construction material, are also one of the options. There is also a type of fishing that kills fish using explosives called dynamite fishing, but it should never be done. This method does not comply with the fishing culture and causes great damage to the natural life.

It is also important to know the depth at which the fish to be hunted in the sea or lake lives. You can hunt mullets floating on the surface of the water or you can also catch corals at the bottom of the sea. Lead weight and type of fishing line used for angling is another important factor.

Time and time of fishing is also very important. During the spawning period of some fish, official fishing bans are applied. Apart from these prohibitions, you can go fishing at any time of the year, but you may not be able to fish with the same efficiency in all seasons. It is not always possible to catch the same amount of fish due to water temperature, migration times or other reasons. In terms of hours, the fish activity, which usually starts towards the morning, begins to decrease towards the end of the day. Some fish can give a good catch in the evening or at night.

A good fisherman should definitely take spare materials and sufficient supplies with him when he goes hunting. You should have spares and food on hand when fishing rods break or have an unsuccessful catch. All of these topics are topics that appeal to most hunters, but may vary depending on the hunter's character and hunting environment. If it is not done for professional and commercial purposes, fishing is a type of pleasure and hobby. Cooking and eating the fish caught in the evening of fishing takes your tiredness and gives great pleasure. Random to all of you...


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