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Whitetip Shark

The whitetip shark is a large, pelagic shark found in tropical and subtropical oceans around the world. They live in deep water offshore, but spend most of their time near the surface. These sharks are long-lived, mature late, and have low to moderate reproductive ability.

What are the Characteristics of the Whitetip Shark?

The whitetip shark is a large-bodied shark with a stocky build and a distinctive mottled white marking pattern on the tips of its dorsal, pectoral, and caudal fins. These markings are why they are called "whitetip" sharks. The dorsal fins are rounded and the pectoral fins are long and paddle-like. Their body color varies depending on where they live. They are generally greyish-tan to brown with whitish undersides and some individuals with a yellow marking.

Whitetip Shark
Whitetip Shark

Population Status

Information about the number of Whitetip Sharks in the world is lacking. However, several lines of evidence suggest that the once widespread and abundant shark has experienced potentially significant declines in size due to intense hunting pressure. For example, it has decreased by approximately 80 to 95 percent across the Pacific Ocean since the mid-1990s. Significant population declines are also predicted for the Atlantic Ocean, including an 88 percent decline in the Gulf of Mexico due to commercial fishing. Oceanic whitetip sharks are inherently vulnerable to extinction, especially given their late maturity age and low reproductive rates, and the situation is unlikely to recover. Additional research is needed to better understand the population structure and global abundance of whitetip sharks.

How to Feed a Whitetip Shark

The whitetip shark is considered a top predator, at the top of the food chain. They are opportunistic, feeding on bony fish and cephalopods such as squid. However, they are also reported to feed on tuna, marlin, seabirds, other sharks and rays, marine mammals, and even garbage.

Where Do Whitetip Sharks Live?

The whitetip shark is found in tropical and subtropical waters around the world. It is a pelagic species usually found in the open ocean, on the outer continental shelf, or around oceanic islands in deep water areas. They typically live in the upper part of the water column from the surface to a depth of at least 200 meters (656 feet), although they are capable of deep diving and have been recorded as deep as 1,082 meters (3,549 feet). Oceanic whitetip sharks have a strong preference for the surface in warm waters above 20°C and are therefore considered a surface-dwelling shark.

Lifespan and Reproduction

Oceanic whitetip sharks are estimated to live up to 25 years, but individuals can live much older (up to 36 years). Female oceanic whitetip sharks reach maturity between 6 and 9 years of age (depending on geographic location) and give birth to live young after a very long gestation period of 10 to 12 months. The reproductive cycle is thought to be biannual, with sharks giving birth to offspring ranging from 1 to 14 pups (average 6) in alternating years. There is also a possible relationship between female size and the number of offspring per litter, with larger sharks producing more offspring.


The main threat to oceanic whitetip sharks is bycatch in commercial fishing and the demand for their fins. They are frequently caught in pelagic longline, purse seine and gillnet fisheries around the world, and their fins are highly valuable in the international shark products trade. For this reason, their population has decreased worldwide. In 2018, NOAA Fisheries listed the whitetip shark species as threatened under the Endangered Species Act.

Commercial Fishing and Bycatch

The primary threat to the whitetip shark is bycatch in commercial fisheries, including longlines, purse seines, and gillnets (as well as other types of gear). whitetip sharks have high encounter and mortality rates in fisheries throughout their range.

Hunting for International Trade

Their large, prominent fins are also highly valuable in the international shark fin trade.

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