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Zebra Danio Fish: Characteristics and Care

Zebra Danio fish is a visually attractive freshwater fish frequently preferred by aquarium enthusiasts. This fish, which is naturally found in the waters of Asian countries such as Nepal, India, Bhutan, Bangladesh and Pakistan, attracts attention with its features. Here is the curious information about the characteristics and care of the Zebra Danio fish:

Zebra Danio Fish Characteristics:

  • The scientific name of Zebra Danio is Danio rerio and they live in shallow waters of Asia.

  • They have purple horizontal stripes that resemble blue on their bodies, these stripes extend from the gill area to the tail.

  • Different species include longfin, albino, leopard, veil-tailed and golden.

  • They usually grow up to an average of 6 centimeters and their average lifespan is 3 years.

  • They prefer the water temperature range of 18-25 degrees and can adapt to both hard and soft water conditions.

  • They have a peaceful nature, so they can live in harmony with other fish species.

Zebra Danio
Zebra Danio

Zebra Danio Fish Care

Zebra Danio fish care should be done as follows:

  • The aquarium must have a volume of at least 40 liters.

  • The water pH level should be between 6 and 8.

  • The tank should be covered so that the fish do not jump out of the aquarium, because Zebra Danio fish are very active.

  • Fish should be given a maximum of 8 hours of light a day, and the lights should be turned off at night to provide a dark environment.

  • A heater can be used to keep the temperature of the water constant, the ideal temperature for these fish is 25 degrees.

  • Cleanliness of the aquarium water should be ensured by using a quality filter.

  • An air motor can be installed in the aquarium to provide sufficient oxygen levels for Zebra Danio fish.

  • A water change should be made once a month, but a method in which 30% is changed and left to wait before adding new water should be preferred.

What Does Zebra Danio Eat?

Zebra Danio fish are omnivorous, that is, carnivorous and herbivorous creatures. In their natural habitat, they feed on various foods such as insects, worms, crustaceans and algae. For this reason, foods such as flake food, daphnia, fruit flies, artemia can be given as food in their aquariums.

Which fish do they get along with?

Zebra Danio fish can live in harmony with the following fish species:

  • Rainbow fish

  • Locca fish

  • Guppy

  • Gurami fish

  • Scavenger fish

  • Yoyo loach fish

  • Barb fish

  • Stray fish

These fish species can live in the same aquarium with Zebra Danio fish without any problems.

Which fish do they not get along with?

Zebra Danio fish can be active and sometimes aggressive, so they can live in harmony with fish with calm characters. Long-tailed fish, especially species such as platies, guppies, bettas and mollies, can be disturbed by Zebra Danio fish and therefore should not be kept in the same aquarium. These species can attract the attention of Zebra Danio fish and may be harassed.

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